Tuesday 29 September 2015

Hi everyone,
Just some news on a coming event for your diaries. I shall be manning the Surrey Open Studios promotional stand at the Festival of Crafts, Farnham Maltings, on Sunday 18th October 2015.   As well as demonstrating,  I will be showing my latest work.  The event is on all weekend - full details can be found at (http://craft.farnhammaltings.com/portfolio/craft-festival).

Hope you can make it.

Monday 21 September 2015

New Works

Hello again. I am pleased to say I have now completed three new pieces of work. They are all quite complex pieces and were quite a challenge, but I am very pleased with the end results and hope you enjoy them.

The first piece is the Dali inspired elephant carrying a small monkey which I have entitled Free at Last.

The second piece is based on the Lost Boys in the story of Pinocchio - this time the runaways are trying to escape responsibility, rules, education etc. and is entitled 'He Was My Friend.

The third piece continues the runaway series with this couple which I've entitled 'The Elopement'.

I'm currently working on more elephants which I am finding really fun - first smaller piece 'Freedom Calls'  is awaiting biscuit firing.

back in a couple of weeks.

Tuesday 8 September 2015

A date for your diaries.

Just to let you know that my next selling event is at Craft in Focus - Richmond-Upon-Thames.

I am very lucky that an image of my work (the jester) is featured on the main flyer for the event. Those of you who have known my work for a while will recognise this piece as one of my earlier 'Life's A Circus' themed works. (The organisers have used an old image from their archives). I shall mainly be showing my newer work (as seen on my website www.jeantolkovskyceramics.com) but will make sure I have one or two earlier pieces available for anyone who may be interested.

So here's a belated update on progress since my last posting.  3 new pieces are currently receiving their final (fingers crossed) firing.  The problem of who/what sits on the top of the 'elephant' has been resolved. I have made a miniature 'masked monkey' based on earlier 'shelf figures' that you will find on my website.  These sad creatures are based on images of Indonesian monkeys made to wear dolls masks and clothes to entertain the tourists. (as seen in this image)

I am happy to be able to give my little monkey it's freedom.  Here he is before glaze firing.

Another piece due for completion involves a horse with rider being led by another character (not seen here), on a skateboard.

The third piece is based on Pinoccio and the lost boys.

Images for all 3 will be posted very soon.